Friday, August 04, 2006


I have two weeks left in Central America. In two weeks' time, I will be readying to leave Panamá. To head back to the US of A. Yikes. The time seems to have flown.

Good time to, then, reflect on the fact that I seem to have become the most attractive woman in San José since my 27th Birthday. I have been leched over and revolted by it for the last two days. Apparently, turning this age and still being unmarried means you give off a pheromone that is irresistible to sweaty, fat, hairy and disgusting men. Not that it would be any better if they were all 22 and built like Jake Gyllenhaal. I actually don't really look, to avoid any kind of acknowledgement or eye contact, so genuinely don't know what the majority look like. I'm just basing this on the group of six of them who just couldn't let me walk past them without commenting on my chest last night. Ugh ugh ugh.



Be warned - heard a breaking story today that will bring forth a rant of almost unprecedented anger. But for now, let's be zen about everything. Plus, I need some lunch. Can't really think of anything else - my two strongest "emotions" are sleepiness and hunger... genuinely.


Anonymous said...

I thought you liked beein letched over by tubby hairy sweaty men. Why else do you still go out with me?

pumpkin29 said...

sweetie, you're not that hairy.

e. said...

happy birthday! better late than never!!!

pumpkin29 said...

thank you! I am a 100% convert to extended birthdays... I plan to be having celebrations well into September! The older I get, the longer they seem to go on...