Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Easy Peasy

I am nothing if not a simple soul. You have no idea what pleasure it gave me to bring my mac to work today and actually use that, rather than the PCs here. Sorry, windows folks - and goodness knows Mr. Gates, your work on AIDS is incredibly generous and important - but it's the shizzle. Sorry for using that word, too. I'm so white.

I also caved to pressure from Lolamonster and got myself Adium and lordy be, it has changed my ENTIRE chatting experience. Googletalk, AIM, MSN - all in one little programme. But the best, best best thing about it - every time I get a message, Hobbs dances. That's right my friend, Hobbs. And if I appear to be lazing around and not online, he starts snarling and roaring towards me. My goodness I am in LOVE with this thing.

Just to let you know, this photo is where I spent my birthday.


Now if I can stop my friends deserting me in droves for other law schools I will be the happiest bunny around. Particularly as I am incredibly proud of myself for having produced twelve - yes, twelve - written pages of Spanish documentation for my project. Written originally in Spanish, not English. It may well be horrible Spanish, but it's done. Now that I am dreaming in Spanish, I feel like things are coming together, things are so much more instinctive now. It's an amazing feeling. It also explains some of the horrible English on the page - see previous entry and "I had reason", which is a direct English translation of the phrase meaning "I was right". Oops.

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