Thursday, December 21, 2006

Done and Dusted

The beast is slain!

It's been a bit of a rollercoaster of a week. Three finals (finished!); Paper that essentially became a behemoth (finished!); flat in NYC packed up, Christmas shopping done... all in the past seven days.

Plus, I had my teeth tightened yesterday. It's not every day you get to say that.

Oh, and my mum got two new kittens and kept it a secret! Hence the behemoth was somewhat interfered with by the hooligans that are Mabel and Stelling charging around the front room and knocking my laptop plug out of its socket, clambering up my legs and scratching the bejesus out of them, and generally treading on the keyboard and writing amusingly incoherent things. Much like my good self.

I also, along with my beloved other half, seem to have developed a weird manifestation of jetlag which involves me waking up at around five in the morning. Every morning thus far. Why I would normally wake up at midnight I don't know. Maybe it really is the witching hour...


Brilliant. I love being home...


Anna said...

Congrats congrats!! Why was this semester so difficult? Wasn't it supposed to be a "breeze" since we aren't 1Ls anymore? What an evil joke they played on us by promising 2L/3L respite!!

(still not done with con land use. I got 20 hours, it can be done!)

pumpkin29 said...

2Ls definitely lied to us about this year being better. I just hope we can take a bit of the break until the summer... although why I've therefore given myself 9am classes I do not know...