Wednesday, September 03, 2014


Winston (the Wu):
Destroyer of Mint

Devourer of Roses

Guardian of shoes and socks and dry washing

Filler of sinks

Slipper Wearer

Loudest Purrer
Walrus in Feline Form
Lover, not a fighter
Mr. Longpaws Brooklyn 2009-2014 (and Washington Heights March 2007-July 2009)
Lover of boxes, bags, and cases - whatever the size

Lover of Plastic Bags
Hugger of ipads, legs, whatever was going, really

Loving and Beloved Brother


If you were lucky, he would hang out under the sheets with you - or help you change them

Comforter extraordinaire

Cat in Space

Drinker of Bathwater
Tyrannical in his pursuit of affection
Licker of Armpits and Biter of Watches
He was my (far too) early morning alarm; the first face I saw when I got home as he ran, excitedly, with that big belly swinging, to greet me.
Destroyer of Rugs and Print Media.
Vanquisher of Butterflies, but not Mockingbirds.
A fan of dirt, sunbeams, and sitting underneath things.
He would lie on your back, your front, your legs or your head - whatever he could find.
For seven years he brought joy, affection, and a lot of hair to our lives.
He was very much loved, and he will be missed.

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