Saturday, February 26, 2011


Moderating intake is something I'm not good at. This explains this whole month - it's all or nothing. I read a very interesting article that discussed ways that people lost weight by subtly changing their lifestyles - listening to the radio every day for three months, walking round the block every day - and that helped them make positive weight-loss changes so that they lost weight slowly but kept it off. I was pondering those methods this morning, and I would love to think that I could do some of those with my less healthy habits.

But then I remembered cheese. O, cheese. I have no ability to moderate when it comes to cheese. Which is why I just can't have it in the house other than a lump of pungent, sweaty pecorino that a) I believe moved houses with us nearly two years ago and b) I can't really cut off chunks and eat on its own. So while I'm all for the gently, gently approach cheese is the one substance for which I refuse to even try "moderation." My only moderation can be to have none of it anywhere near my fridge. And I will eat it with abandon when outside the house.

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