* Or basic things that most functional people do that I should not be proud of achieving only in my late 30s.
- I have made an appointment at the dentist's. (This is a BFD, frankly.)
- I have recommendation for a new dermatologist who, fabulously, is in network. And I am actually going to get my moles checked out.
- I have bought a lovely detangling hairbrush that I have been using. Every day. For the last three days, admittedly, but it's a start.
- I now carry tissues in my bag(s). All of them.
- And a Tide pen (other brands are available).
- I clean my makeup brushes and implements every month.
- I have a watering the house plants day of the week. And it happens on that day of the week.
- I record on my calendar when my period starts and ends. I also use a ruby cup, because they are amazing.
- I have several umbrellas and I know where they are. I keep a spare couple at work.
- I take my vitamins every day.
- I semi-regularly clean my mattress protector and mattress. Not that there's an alarm in the calendar or owt like that, but it does happen. Including today.
- I know how to clean out a blocked sink using vinegar and baking soda. Which is one reason why we always have baking soda and vinegar in the house. Bugger, just ran out of baking soda (see #11); will purchase more tomorrow.
- We have a semi-functional landing strip. No, not one of those, you filthy thing. The home clutter filtering variety.
- We regularly refill the bird feeder. We also spend a lot of time discussing which birds are frequenting the bird feeder.
- We pay for digital downloads.
- We have a wine fridge! I have annotated those bottles of wine that should not be drunk yet! 2024 is going to be a great year, clearly.
- We still drink too much wine (and beer, and picklebacks, etc.) and don't get enough sleep. But we have a gorgeous room that is a sunshiney yellow place of warmth and comfort. And we're about to frame a glorious Georgia O'Keeffe print that will be what we see when we wake up each day. FRAMED POSTERS!
- I have a jar of rendered bacon fat in my fridge for vegetable cooking goodness.
- I am--stutteringly and sporadically and inconsistently--admittedly, trying to give up sugar and get on top of that family history of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease...
- I am concerned about and actively managing the green/brown ratio of my compost heap.
- Each time I open the lid, I say hello to the nesting spider in the aforementioned compost heap. Is that odd or being a grown up? You decide!
- I have Marie Kondo'd my bathroom products this year. Clothing will happen. I'm sure. Yep. But I did do it last year. That totally counts.
- I am trying to keep my Goodreads to-read list under 800, because I know that I will not read these all in my lifetime. Having said that, I just added an amazing book. But, because I am Slowly Becoming A Grown Up, I removed one to make it a round 800 again. #Goals.