Monday, April 18, 2011

A Change of Heart

Would that we could all put it so well:
I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me because I have railed so long against marriage. But doth not the appetite alter? A man loves the meat in his youth that he cannot endure in his age. Shall quips and sentences and these paper bullets of the brain awe a man from the career of his humor? No, the world must be peopled. When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married.
Benedick, Much Ado About Nothing (and not Mucho Ado About Nothing, as I originally typed), Act 2, Scene 3.

(Sent from a very perceptive and brilliant lady).

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Like to Move It, Move It: Part II

I'm still trying to keep up with my challenge for April of twenty pieces of exercise in thirty days. Since my last report, I've done a fair bit and am up to eight. I'm quite pleased with it all, really.

April 6 - Bikram yoga
April 7 - Midtown walking (instead of catching the subway to the doctor's, I walk the 20 mins each way)
April 8 - Bikram yoga
April 9 - Horseriding

We went riding in a rather strange farm just over the Massachusetts border this weekend. I rode a lot as a kid - much more than you'd expect from someone who grew up in Catford - and it was weird to ride after such a long absence. Other than a turn in Costa Rica, I've not been on a horse seriously since I was about fifteen. I used to love it and although nervous, the smells - the horses themselves, the barn, the leather - brought a flood of familiarity and warmth. In turn, the riding has subsequently brought cramp from pressing down in the stirrups, and massively sore inner thighs from my seat - where one's "seat" is the position/balance one has in the saddle. It requires pushing down and into the saddle and thus is the source of my pain today. And yesterday.

I'm also on the look out for new songs to run to. I want to start trying to run again regularly - even if it's just once a week - and I'm very much stuck with mid-90s dance which, while I love, I can't help thinking there must have been some decent music made since the turn of the century. So I'm going to try out some of that stuff and get myself in gear. I think. I hope. Flowers are finally blooming, trees are filling with blossom, and it's about time I got myself outside and enjoying the milder temperatures, later sunsets and floral smells before the summer stench takes over.

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Tonight's to do list is eclectic:
  1. Pack for Providence
  2. Clean up kitchen so that catsitters aren't horrified by my mess (when TOH is not in town I do revert to my innate slobbiness in a way that would frighten him, I think, if he knew its true extent)
  3. Solder broken jewellery with my newly bought and frankly terrifying soldering kit
  4. Use newly purchased loctite super glue to repair a couple of oven dishes
  5. Plant seeds - or, as I'm going away, is that stupid?
  6. Wash yoga kit and bed linen
  7. Somehow do all my work
  8. Persuade plumber that he really does want to give me an invoice for work done and replace cistern lid
  9. Work through 2 episodes of BSG (I'm so ready for this programme to be over, even though I'm enjoying it)
  10. Get to bed in time to have 6 hours' sleep before getting up for Bikram in the morning
Easy peasy.

Monday, April 04, 2011

I Like to Move It Move It

It's April! It's finally seemingly starting to get warm! Hooray. In honour of the sun slowly starting to shine, I'm doing this MYB challenge - 20 pieces of exercise, from yoga to push ups to running, in the month of April. My buddy in this is the blog - making me do this and be accountable for it. We'll see how that goes but, thus far:

April 1 - press ups (I'm back doing the hundredpushups challenge)
April 2 - danced a LOT at a concert
April 3 - football
April 4 - press ups

So far, so good. Four down, sixteen to go.